Every year the AID is a little different than the last. However, some parts of the program always stay, because a lot of people love them. Below you will find an overview of a few program elements that will be a part of this year’s AID.
Street theater
On Saturday evening the main square in the city center of Wageningen is turned into a theater of sorts. On every corner you can see a different act of dancing or music but also join a workshop where you can learn a new dance style. Together with the locals you will enjoy the different shows around the square and inside the church during the evening.
Sports day
During the sports day you will try some of the different sports that Wageningen has to offer. Release the left-over energy you still have a few days into the AID while enjoying some sports which you might have never heard of before. Afterwards walk around the sport association market where you can possibly find a sports club to join while studying in Wageningen.
Study day
The study day is a essential part of the AID, because how else would you find out more about what the next few years of your life are going to look like. You will meet your fellow students and receive information about your study and the university in general. The day concludes with dinner together with your study association on campus after which you will join your own AID group again for the evening program.
Info market
Without the info market you would miss out on a lot that Wageningen has to offer. The market is filled with around 150 stands which range from sport association to big or smaller student association to cultural group and departments from the University. Walk around and find something that piques your interest and possible find an association to join.
The annual introduction days end with a bang. A festival organized on campus where you can enjoy the last evening of the AID. Enjoy the music and have some drinks together with the friends that you made over the past week.
The most beloved activity of the AID cannot be missed. The singalong is an evening where everybody comes together and sings their heart out to the music and enjoys some drinks all while having the most fun with their AID group.