AID 2025

The AID 2025 will take place August 15 - 20!


Collaborate and become an AID partner

The AID (Annual Introduction Days) is the chance for you to boost your brand amongst a large group of young people. During the AID, 2500 new students and 400 volunteers participate in several fun and informative events in which we can provide a platform for your brand. Many senior students as well as citizens of Wageningen are closely involved in the AID.  Via our social media, we are able to present your brand and increase your visibility amongst curious students. Through partnerships, we aim to develop the Wageningen introduction week in various areas. 

The AID would not be possible without close cooperation with all kinds of parties. We strive to offer students an unforgettable start to their student days in a creative and interactive way, which we would like to realize together with you. We are of course always open to new ideas!

Promotional opportunities

The AID provides several opportunities to generate attention for your product or service amongst the student population of Wageningen in a unique way. Various options like sampling, a stand on the information market or web advertisement are available. We are always open to explore new creative ideas and sponsor possibilities!  If you are interested in becoming a partner of the AID or want more information, we would like to invite you to contact us via



AID board 

Droevendaalsesteeg 2, room 401
6708 PB Wageningen
T: 0317 484 200

