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The AID 2025 will take place August 15 - 20!
WSPV AllegraDear new student,Firstly, Allegra wants to welcome you all to our lovely Wageningen. We are sure, you will have a great time in our...
WSZV Aqua W.S.Z.V Aqua is the student sailing association of Wageningen. Our fleet consists of "Valken", "Lelievletten" and dinghies, such as a Laser 1 and an Flying...
SZV AquiferHey j’allemaal! We are Aquifer, the swimming association of Wageningen University. We are a small association of water lovers welcoming anyone from basic swimming...
WHV Centauri W.H.V. Centauri is the Student Handball Association of Wageningen. At W.H.V. Centauri we combine playing handball in a positive atmosphere with fun social activities...
W.S.K.V. DébaldérinDébaldérin is the student korfball club from Wageningen. Débaldérin offers the opportunity to play korfball for experienced, as well as new players. At Débaldérin...
W.S.W.V. HellingproofHellingproof is THE student association for cycling and mountainbiking. Come cycling with us and discover the beautiful environment of Wageningen as we are surrounded...
W.S.A.C. Ibex Let us introduce ourselves! We are WSAC Ibex, the climbing association of Wageningen. Ibex is a fun, internationally oriented association with many opportunities and...
W.S.S.V IJzersterkW.S.S.V IJzersterk is the student ice-skating association of Wageningen! With around 60 members, our association is the perfect place to connect with fellow ice-skating...
Wageningen Warriors Are you looking for a team sport and ready to try something new? We, the Wageningen Warriors, got your back! Let’s play some Lacrosse, the fastest team sport on two feet! Lacrosse...
W.S.W.V Pila Ictus Pila Ictus is a waterpolo association for people of all levels of experience (as long as you can stay afloat ;)). We train...
Wageningen WerewolvesDuring the AID, the Quadball team Wageningen Werewolves will be present! Quadball is an inclusive, exciting sport that has elements from dodgeball, handball and...
WSTV Split Do you want to continue gymnastics during your student years, or have you always wanted to learn gymnastics but never did? Then WSTV SPLIT...
WUV Stick Together Floorball is a rapidly growing sport in the Netherlands. It’s a mix of indoor hockey and ice hockey. The boarding around the field...
G.T.C. Walhalla We are G.T.C. Walhalla, the one and only student tennis association in Wageningen. Since 1981 we provide sportive tennis activities combined with a lot...
WAC We are the Wageningen Archery Club, a merry gathering of people with a passion for stabbing from a distance. We train twice a week, on...
TartlétosAre you looking for a new adventure or are you already a super athlete? Well, we have opportunities for all levels, from national champions to...
BC de Lobbers'BC de Lobbers’ is the student badminton club of Wageningen. Members get the opportunity to train at least once a week on Wednesday...
WuBDAWe are WuBDA, the Wageningen university ballroom dance association, under the ever watchful eye of our mascot the Beet we dance tango, waltz and much...
S.B.A. SphinxIf you’re interested in playing basketball and making new friends from around the world, Sphinx is the right place for you! Our association has...
WSSV Schermutselaers Did you ever think of playing chess while doing a work out at the same time? Fencing is a sports where you use all...
Hi! We're the student horseriding association A.S.W.R. Hipac St. Joris. We have lessons every monday and tuesday evening, at stable Eikelboom (a very nice stable!)...
WSBV De Grondleggers We are de Grondleggers, a martial-arts association for students at Wageningen University. We offer classes in Boxing, Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We see...
GVCGVC (Go-Ahead Victoria Combination) is one of the oldest football clubs in the Netherlands and serves as the student football association of Wageningen. We offer...
SSA Ballistic Do you like a quick and dynamic sport? Have you ever heard of squash? Try it out! We are Ballistic, the student squash association...
Wageningen Beasts Dear cubs, Wageningen Beasts is a sports association focused on Strength training. Our trainings range from Strongman to powerlifting to bootcamp. We have adopted many...
WaHoWaHo is The Student Volleyball Association of Wageningen. WaHo has 19 teams, some playing in the official Dutch Volleyball competition of the NeVoBo and other...
The ranking The ranking is a competition between all AID groups. During the AID you can earn points by fulfilling the several crazy challenges of Operation...
Green Office Wageningen is an organization that supports sustainable initiatives at the university. We work with policy-makers within WUR to stimulate sustainable transitions on a...
The Vegan Student Association (VSA) Wageningen is an association for everyone interested in veganism or the plant-based lifestyle. The VSA’s main goal is to build...
Connect Wageningen is a city council party by youth, students, internationals and newcomers in Wageningen, for all Wageningers. With 25% of inhabitants in Wageningen being...
The Wieledansers are a folk dancing group in Wageningen. We do dances from America, England, Russia, the Balkan, Turkey, Israel etc. We have weekly lessons for...
Studentdesk Red Cross is the link between students in Wageningen and the Netherlands/ International Red Cross. As a studentdesk our aim is to raise awareness...
S&I is a multicultural political party at Wageningen University. We work to improve communication between students and the university, and represent the interests of all...
VeSte Wageningen is the largest Student Council party of Wageningen University. Since 1997, VeSte represents the active students of Wageningen in the decision-making of the...
Do you love to sing? Join vocal association VEYA! We are a group of young vocal enthusiasts from Wageningen and surroundings. We sing polyphonic arrangements,...
The Student DanceFactory The Student Dance Factory is the student dance association of Wageningen. Started as a demo team for and by students, we have grown...
WOESTDo you like climbing, being outdoors and getting muddy? Then survivalrun might be for you! Survivalrun is a kind of obstacle run through terrain. You...
We are Ipso Facto, a student-run study association for students from the bachelors Communication & Life Sciences and International Development Studies, and the masters International...
M.S.V. Alchimica is the student association for the course Molecular Life Sciences at Wageningen University. All bachelor and master students following the course can become...
Nitocra is the study association for Bachelor and Master students from International Land and Water Management. Our goal is to strengthen the social cohesion between...
WSBV Sylvatica is the study association of the bachelor and master of Forest and Nature Conservation at the Wageningen University. WSBV stands for Wageningse Studenten...
Do you want to learn Salsa, Bachata or Kizomba? Lafrique is the place to be! Lafrique is the Latin dance School in the centre of the...
Hello board game lovers! This group is all about playing board games in Wageningen and surrounding areas, and meeting new people while we do it....
WAF WAF plays the game of Ultimate Frisbee. The objective of the game is to catch the frisbee in the end-zone of the opponent. Running, throwing,...
Heeren XVII is the study association for the BSc Agrotechnology and the MSc Biosystems Engineering and our main goal is to connect the students within these studies. This...
The Yggdrasilstam is a student scouting association. Every Wednesday we eat together and do a fun (scouting related) activity. Each year we have a winter...
Do you live in or near Wageningen and want to try roleplaying games (RPGs)? This group is for you! New to RPGs? Don't sweat it, we're...
IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences) is the biggest student organization in the field of agriculture worldwide. We aim to exchange...
Join the discussion! RUW (RUral Wageningen) Foundation stimulates critical reflection on Wageningen University by promoting new and creative ways of science and journalism. We open up discussions, explore participatory science...
Navigators Internationals Wageningen (NIW) is a group of international students and young adults who gather regularly to discover Jesus of the Bible. It is a...
AIESEC is an international youth organization that focuses on developing leadership through exchange. We strive to build a world where people can work towards peace...
Wageningen Environmental Platform (WEP) strives to help students be more environmentally minded and sustainable within their daily lives. We do so through having a secondhand...
Toneelgroep WDT is a drama society and consists of a diverse group of members from all ages, including students! Every year we make two productions, which...
The Future For Nature Academy (FFNA) is a national network of students and young graduates with a passion for nature conservation. By organizing various activities such...
Studeren bij Aeres Hogeschool Wageningen, welkom!Na de zomervakantie ga je starten bij Aeres Hogeschool Wageningen. Mogelijk ben je daar tijdens het oriënteren nog nooit op...
Spectrum (Student Platform and Chaplaincy): Flourish in Diversity ! Wageningen campus is a dynamic, international environment centered around academic learning and research…but you will find that there is more to...
In Forum and Orion printers are located on every floor. No matter where you are studying a printer is never far away! Guides on how to print,...
In Forum, classroom numbers start with 0, followed by the number of the floor. C0401 for example is located on the 4th floor of Forum....
In the Study Handbook you can check what literature you need. Study guides & Lecture notes can be ordered from the Reader shop. You will need...
Integrand stimulates and connects ambition! Are you looking for an internship? Or do you want to gain work experience and are you wondering which organisation fits...
Brightspace One of the websites that you will be sure to use during your time studying at WUR, is Brightspace. On Brightspace you will find information...
All important information for EU students arriving in Wageningen can be found on this page! Please read it carefully. All important information for non-EU students arriving in...
In the WUR Library, you can loan (scientific) books, and there are study places. There is a library in Forum, of which the entrance is...
You can find an overview of the student housing options here. Housing organisation Idealis takes care of a major part of student housing in Wageningen, you...
Boerengroep or the Peasant Foundation was founded in 1971 to bridge farming practices and theories, or better, the farmer and the student. With challenging and...
UniPartners Wageningen is an academic consultancy bureau and is part of the national network of 12 other enterprises. UniPartners builds the bridge between students and...
The United Community of African Students (UCAS), Wageningen, is a multi-African community of African students. We are a group of vibrant and dynamic people without...
SWU Thymos is the sports foundation of the Wageningen University. Our main goal is to facilitate and promote sports among students in Wageningen. Besides representing...
Campus tour Have you always wondered what the campus looks like? Check out the following video to discover all the buildings you can find on campus! Did you...
Hello all! We are Apollo Wageningen, the study association of the Bachelor Health and Society and of the Master Communication, Health and Life Sciences. For the members of...
The Young Democrats Wageningen is a progressive political organisation (youth party from D66). It is the only youth party in Wageningen. Every other week, we organise activities...
Ceres international is a membership for international students at the student Association Ceres. It offers an insight in the traditional Dutch student life of Wageningen...
De Ontzetting is the student wind orchestra of Wageningen!The orchestra consists of approximately 65 members who study or studied at the Wageningen University and forms...
There are four elements: earth, water, air and fire. In the Bachelor, Soil, Water and Atmosphere, we have already three elements. As the study association...
OtherWise stimulates critical engagement by questioning the status quo and exploring alternative pathways towards a more environmentally and socially just world.We at Otherwise believe in...
WSG Paragon is made for gamers and board game lovers. We organise a broad variety of game-related events every week. Online events usually include tournaments...
The ICF (International Christian Fellowship) is an international and interdenominational church where we come together to praise and worship God. Our visitors are students and...
CSF is a party in the Student Council of the Wageningen University. We are the oldest party within the Council and since 1972, we make...
Hey there, welcome to the Food Sciences study association Nicolas Appert! As a study association, we provide both entertaining, educational, and career-oriented activities for both Bachelor...
Semper Florens is the study association for students of Plant Sciences, Plant Biotechnology and Resilient Farming & Food Systems at Wageningen University and Research. The...
Hi future landscape architects and spatial planners,We are Genius Loci, the study association of the educational programme you will start after the summer! Apart from...
Are you interested in addressing human rights violations? Do you want to contribute to the invaluable work of Amnesty International? As a global movement of over...
We are Foodsharing and our mission is to reduce food waste locally! We collect food that would be thrown away by shops. Sometimes this food is still edible and good...
StartHub Wageningen a co-creation space focused on sustainable impact at the Wageningen Campus. We provide a place and community for impactful organisations and people to...
Mercurius Wageningen is a study association for the students of the Bachelor Business and Consumer Sciences, Bachelor Economics & Policy and Master Management, Economics &...
Namaskar! HSFN stands for Hindoe Studenten Forum Nederland, an association with the aim of representing the interests of Hindu students and anyone who has an...
Aktief Slip is the study association for BES, MES, MUE, and MCL and also the coolest association out there! If you join Aktief Slip you...
Hi future nutrition student!Di-Et-Tri is the study association for students from the Bachelor Voeding en Gezondheid and the Master Nutrition and Health and Data Science...
CODON is the study association for the bachelor programme Biotechnology and master programmes Biotechnology, Biobased Sciences and Bio-Informatics, organising events ranging from educational activities like...
Dear future Biologist/ Marine scientists, We are the study association of the bachelors Biology, Marine sciences and the master Biology. Our goal is to enhance the...
Our goal at Enactus Wageningen is to empower student to develop professional skills through impact-driven entrepreneurship Enactus-students manage with their team one of our start-ups...
The adress of the WUR campus is Droevendaalsesteeg 2. You can park your car in the (free) car park next to Radix. The nearest busstop is either...
Student Alliance Wageningen (S.A.W.) is the student union of Wageningen. As a union, S.A.W. stands up for the interests of students and sticks to ideals...
When you start studying Animal Sciences at the University of Wageningen, you might get involved or known with Study association "De Veetelers". Our study association...
Do you have other questions about studying at WUR, and did you not find it on this website? The WUR website contains all information you...
Hello people from far and wide! Hope you are excited about coming to Wageningen next year. We are the Wageningen Student Farm, a student organization whose goal...
All students and staff of the WUR receive a WUR card after their registration with Wageningen University has been confirmed. The WUR card functions as identification...
At the musical association WSKOV, students have been making music together for 105 years! As our name already indicates, we consist of both a choir...
The AID is sustainable in many ways and we want you to get familiar with this! We make the AID sustainable through: - The power used before...
How can you be more sustainable during your student life? - Bring a reusable coffee/teacup to university. This will reduce waste. - Watch your water use. - Try second-hand. Buying...
Green Office has made a Wageningen Sustainability Guide. Here you can find out how to start living more sustainable, for example where all the second-hand...
TP&V Keltenwoud Padel at Keltenwoud Fit & Fun: padel play on 3 artificial grass courts. Welcome !!! Padel is a mix of tennis and squash and usually plays...
HSC Matchmakers Have you always dreamed of hitting a homerun or throwing a strikeout? HSC Matchmakers is the place to be! We are a small and...
Chess Club WageningenDid you see The Queen’s Gambit? Do you want to play chess yourself? Then you should visit Chess Club Wageningen. Every Wednesday evening,...
KenKon KenKon, Integral Life & Training Centre, is the place to be to boost your health & vitality, get fit, work on your personal development and...
De Paardengroep De Paardengroep is the horse-driving club in Wageningen! We organise a horse driving course (Dutch only) and drive our Frisian horse Hiske. In addition,...
DWARS Gelderland is the local chapter of the youth organisation of GroenLinks (GreenLeft), the Dutch Green Party. We cover the entire province of Gelderland, including...
Bring your own Laptop! You need a laptop for your degree programme, for self-study and for good collaboration. You want to be able to count on...
myWURtoday is your gateway to the information you need, when you need it. You use myWURtoday as a handy app on your mobile phone (iOS and...
Carefree travel or an internship? Get vaccinated! After over 2 years of pandemic, of which a long time in lockdown, you probably want to go on...
DO SEE YOU UNWANTED SEXUAL BEHAVIOR?ASK THE QUESTION!Unwanted sexual behavior is not okay, not even at concerts, at festivals and in clubs. If you think...
Sports Centre de BongerdSports Centre de Bongerd (SCB) is the sports centre for students and staff of Wageningen University & Research. We welcome everyone who...
Welcome to this city walk. On this walk we'll show you how lovely and diverse Wageningen is. During the walk you can enjoy the local cafes...
Find out everything about Wageningen! ...
Wageningen is a small city with almost 40.000 inhabitants from over 160 different countries and is centrally located in the Netherlands. Close to Wageningen is...
Wageningen is famous for its role at the end of World War II. On May 5 1945, the German capitulation document was signed, which meant...
PPI Wageningen, also known as Indonesian Student Association, is a community formed by Indonesian students in Wageningen which aims to accommodate creativity and talent shows...
You are about to start your time in Wageningen. The best way to make your study time a wonderful student time is to become a...
Make sure you don't forget these things to bring to the AID! - A mobile phone, to look on the online schedule on myAID - The e-mail...
You can find an overview of the program here. On myAID, you can soon find a personalized schedule with the location of the activities, so you can find...
De Bunker is the best student nightclub in Wageningen, located across student flat Dijkgraaf. The club is equipped with the highest quality music- and light...
The Indian Association of Wageningen (ISA) actively organizes cultural and fun events to showcase the rich culture of India. Stay connected for exciting events! Creating Home...
We contribute to a caring society, where people love to do something for somebody or something else. Just like that, out of free will. That...
Our small, sociable and student-like organisation aims to bring Christian students together, often resulting in lifelong friendships! Our foundation is the Holy Bible and the...
Avicenna is a Muslim Student Association at the university of Wageningen. We strive to be a home for all Muslim students, regardless of nationality. We...
The Creative Garden is a community garden in Wageningen. It is a place to garden, be a community and be creative. For everyone and throughout...
Are you looking for a nice club for a pleasant student time, without having to put your studies at risk and do you like hockey...
We are students, staff, grandparents and parents who are part of an international movement that fights for a livable and just planet. What unites us...
Rugby Club Wageningen Anyone can play rugby! Women and men, big and tall, or small and fast – a rugby team needs all kinds of players....
Are you as passionate about the underwater world as we are, or have you ever wondered what diving is like? Then join Wageningen’s first student...
We are Spread the WURd, the social media team of Wageningen University & Research! Our team is made up of talented and creative WUR students...
Present Wageningen Do you want to help someone in need? Would you like to have a nice time as a group while helping someone? Come to...
Wageningen in'to Languages is the centre of expertise for language and communication on the university campus. At In’to Languages, you can take language courses in...
The Writing Lab is for all BSc and MSc students at Wageningen University who need coaching and support for their written academic assignments. The sessions...
The W.K.v.V. is a student organisation that represents 10 student associations in Wageningen, which indirectly means we represent over 4500 students. We stay in direct...
How are you doing today? Maybe you're stressed about school or work, not feeling well, worried about the future, or just had an argument with your...
Hi, we're Artemis, the study association for the MSc Geo-information Science! As youngest study association of Wageningen (only 1,5 years old!) we're rapidly expanding and...
WUR Bigband Sound of ScienceThe WUR Bigband Sound of Science is a swinging group of WUR students and employees playing a variety of Jazz, Latin,...
Safety during the AIDOf course, we expect the AID to run smoothly without problems for anyone. But smaller or bigger accidents can happen.While organising the...
AIDchat You can ask all your questions in the AIDchat, accessible in myAID. Wristband Your wristband gives you access to all the program parts of the AID. Without...
Welcome to Wageningen, your student city for the coming years or months. From 13 - 17 February we will give you a fantastic start of your...
K.S.V. Sint Franciscus Xaverius is the largest student association of Wageningen with over 850 members. For over 110 years, Franciscus has offered its members a...
Think about your ears during parties. It is wise to wear earplugs when you go party. These ensure that your ears are never exposed to...
Sustainability is an important topic within Wageningen. The AID also tries to reduce its impact on the environment. You can help us by separating your...
W.S.V. Ceres is the biggest and oldest student association in Wageningen, founded in 1878, with about 900 active members. W.S.V. Ceres has its very own...
Do you like socializing with people from the east? ‘t Noaberschop is thé student Association for people who like Twente and the Achterhoek. We are...
You have the liberty to enjoy yourself but be nice to your own body. Without wanting to sound like your Mum: Deal wisely with what...
We are SSR-W! We are one of the three biggest student associations with over 750 members. This is the place to make friends for life...
Hello AID participant! We are the ‘Wageningsk Studinte Selskip foar Fryske Stúdzje’. A student association for everyone who has affinity with the Frisian culture and...
All Wageningen University students can use the university wifi (called eduroam) using their WUR account. Other students and students without an account can go to and...
You're no robot. So, despite your need to party endlessly, you won't succeed in it. So give yourself the time to reload and take enough...
D.L.V Nji-Sri is a small student association in the city centre of Wageningen. With 200 active members everybody knows each other and makes going to...
Welcome to the Netherlands: the country where one day can entail four seasons of weather. Sunshine in the morning does not mean sunshine in the...
Unitas is an open youth association, with a beautiful location in the centre of the city. We are open to all kinds of people, ideas,...
Partying is, next to dancing, also flirting with other people! The less sober you are, the better people are looking of course. There is a...
Navigators Student Association Wageningen (NSW) is one of the four christian student associations in Wageningen. At NSW you can find a combination of student life...
Het Brabants Studenten Gilde (Het BSG) is a group of students with a common love for Brabant. Every week we get together for different activities...
Ichthus Wageningen is a lively, diverse and close student association with 50 members from different backgrounds. We aim to express our faith, grow and have...
VGSW is a Christian student association that offers its members a place where you can be yourself and feel at home as a Christian student....
W.S.R. ARGO - Wageningen Student Rowing AssociationW.S.R. Argo is the Student Rowing Association of Wageningen where it is possible to row at various levels, from...
ESN Wageningen is a large student association for both international and Dutch students! We aim to give all students the best student experience in Wageningen....
ISOW was started by international students who wanted a place for having fun and learn about each other. Our mission is to embrace the international...
SHOUT is a LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and more) interest group and social association for all ages. We create a (safe) meeting place...