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The AID 2025 will take place August 15 - 20!
IAAS (International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences) is the biggest student organization in the field of agriculture worldwide. We aim to exchange...
The United Community of African Students (UCAS), Wageningen, is a multi-African community of African students. We are a group of vibrant and dynamic people without...
Namaskar! HSFN stands for Hindoe Studenten Forum Nederland, an association with the aim of representing the interests of Hindu students and anyone who has an...
PPI Wageningen, also known as Indonesian Student Association, is a community formed by Indonesian students in Wageningen which aims to accommodate creativity and talent shows...
The Indian Association of Wageningen (ISA) actively organizes cultural and fun events to showcase the rich culture of India. Stay connected for exciting events! Creating Home...
Do you like socializing with people from the east? ‘t Noaberschop is thé student Association for people who like Twente and the Achterhoek. We are...
Hello AID participant! We are the ‘Wageningsk Studinte Selskip foar Fryske Stúdzje’. A student association for everyone who has affinity with the Frisian culture and...
Het Brabants Studenten Gilde (Het BSG) is a group of students with a common love for Brabant. Every week we get together for different activities...